Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am having so much fun here!

Today: 4 pm. Wake Up (alot of catching up from the past week and last night had to be done). 5 pm. arrive at Roast Duck Restaurant. 5:30 pm. Dine like emperors on magnificent and delicious Beijing Roast Duck. Order 3 bottles of "white liquor" and 15 beers. 6 pm. Drunk. 7 pm. Pay the bill. 35 kuai each for as much roast duck as you can eat and as much beer as you can drink. $6 US? How incredible is that?? 7:30 pm. Hit the bars with a bunch of boys from school. Discuss sex, economics, American politics, and international relations. Being around a group of people with a universal similar interest (can you guess what it is?) is really neat, and I like the fact that people aren't stuck up like I expected them to be. Most of them are older than I am (mid and late 20s?) and so have interesting experience and insight to share.


10.44.00 said...


Chryssa said...

youre a jerk.

Unknown said...

what am i doing with my life?? why aren't i in zhongguo with you having so much fun?